When I was working on a react project that used react context API I noticed that whenever I update the […]
May 3, 2019
With react Router we can create web applications with multiple pages and sections and we can change them dynamically. Attention […]
April 25, 2019
We should always develop smooth and fast websites and web apps, while js can help us with creating animations, js […]
April 18, 2019
The front end development scene has changed a lot in recent years. client side apps and websites just grow bigger […]
April 11, 2019
In previous article We created a simple shopping cart app with react context api and hooks. in this article we’ll […]
Sometimes in our react apps we need some global variables, like user authentications, themes, shopping carts, etc. or maybe you […]
One of popular new features of react is hooks, which let you use states and other react features within state […]
March 23, 2019